Tuesday, May 27, 2008


One day of leisure before I have to suck it up and return to the ball and chain that is my desk and email.


But going back to the grind is always a good thing for me. My routines go out the window with no schedule to wrap them around and although I've only had one episode of all-out frivolity (yes, that means too many calories consumed by way of wine glass) since Friday, I know that I won't be seeing a loss when I get on the scale Friday morning. I'm aiming for a maintain.

I got a few miles in this extended holiday weekend on top of buying that fitness ball and....
running shorts!

There goes the neighborhood.

I haven't worn shorts since around 1998. I hate the way they ride up from my thighs rubbing together and I always end up walking like a cowgirl to prevent that from happening. Well, they still ride up. I have thighs. Always have, except for a brief moment around 140 when I was taking a fitness credit ballet class in college. But I have to find a way to continue running in this humid Georgia climate, so I found myself in Target trying on shorts Saturday. Not as horrible of an experience as I imagined it would be. Even the clothed view from the rear wasn't especially horrifying. Hurray!

Tomorrow I will end my vacation with a trip to the Farmer's Market with Joe to buy a few nice cheeses for a dinner we're hosting Saturday night and maybe pick up some in-season produce - whatever looks good. My goal of eating more fruit would certainly be more easily acheived if I actually bought some. Can't wait to see what I come home with!

Catch up with you all on the other side (the work side, that is).


kikimonster said...

Hard to believe but I made it through living in Florida for five years without wearing shorts. I just bought myself my first pair of shorts in close to seven years this past month! Woot!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, shorts!!!
I bought my first pairs last summer... Now I just have to get back down to last summers weight...