Saturday, January 26, 2008

Week 1: Complete!

I have survived week 1 of work boot camp.
Holy hell.

My manager asked me last night (while we were all celebrating at the local pub by getting completely trashed) what the biggest surprise of the class has been so far.

My answer: crying after the 4th day.

It's true. At the end of each day, there is a quiz, and for the second day in a row on Wednesday, my grade was not a fair reflection of how well I understood the material. I only scored 80% because I either overthought the questions or misunderstood them. And it would be different if I didn't get the concepts. At least then I could ask for help.

So, I went home, cried, slept, ate a large serving of comfort food and did my best to shake it off. The next day I made sure not to assume anything about any of the quiz questions. I asked for clarification, and lo and behold I scored 99.83 - the highest grade in the class. My strategy continued to pay off on yesterday's database quiz - my first 100%!!!! (to the dismay of my lower scoring Georgia Tech graduate neighbors who had just took this college course and commented on how easy the test was going to be - heehee! select statement THIS, bitches!)

Ok, I realize this isn't exactly a weight loss related post, so I will end with an update on that front. In spite of grueling 10 hour days, I forced myself to get out of bed at 5:30 twice this week to get in a workout. That, my friends, is just a plain out miracle. This girl NEVER gets up before the sun. But I did, and honestly, it wasn't all that bad. I may just do it again this week since it's too cold now for my usual outside run when I get home at 7pm.

And last but not least, I saw a nice loss of 1.8 pounds this week. That was Wednesday's weigh-in - and it already looks like I'll be having a nice loss next week as well - crossing my fingers!
Finally, the holiday pounds are gone and I'm seeing numbers not yet seen since 2003! Feels so good.

Hope you all are having fantastic weekends!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! GO get em girl! I knew you could do it. You will be the top of the class! Hell you made a great grade and lost some weight while doing it. Thats awesome! You can do anything! By the way ladies, I was at the pub while she was getting smashed and she is not over exaggerating she was SMASHED! But it was awesome to see because she was as happy as can be. (ok that rhymed, I am done for the day)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it through your first week of work bootcamp, especially getting in workouts!! WOWZAHS!

Swizzlepop said...

Congrats on making it through the 1st week of WBC and with such great scores! And YAY for the loss. You are doing great all the way around! :)